What is Creative Kick in the Booty?

It’s got a funny name, doesn’t it? It was inspired by a little sign I have on my desk that says, “Get sh*t done.” Sometimes, the hardest part of “getting sh*t done” is taking that first step. Sometimes, you need a (loving) kick in the booty to get yourself out the door.

Creative Kick in the Booty is my version of one-on-one mentoring. It’s like having me as your personal creative cheerleader, always in your corner and coaching you to the next level with tough love and accountability.

For each person, ‘next level’ is going to mean something unique. For some, it could mean just starting out, and, for others, it could mean advancing in what you’ve already accomplished. In either case, we’ll be doing the deep work together. That’s what makes this really special. It’s not an out-of-the-box group program where everyone does the same, predetermined lesson each week. You are the only student, getting 100% of my attention. Each session revolves around you, and is tailored to meet your needs and your goals.

Are you ready to dig in deep and do the work? If so, read on!

What I can help you with

If you’ve got a visual art idea but are having trouble getting started, or, if you just feel stuck, I can help. I’ll lure you out of your creative rut, create structure and accountability, and move you closer to your goal. Along the way, I dig into my 20+ years of professional experience across art and design industries and pass along that knowledge and expertise to you. I can help you kick into high gear in creative projects like these and more:

  • Developing a children’s illustration portfolio that art directors will love

  • Developing a book dummy that can pique the interest of agents

  • Getting started in an art practice or personal project

  • Changing or pivoting your professional career in a more artsy direction

  • Creating a fun and festive launch campaign for your children’s picture book

How it works and what you’ll get

I’ve had some influential mentors over my career, and I thought a lot about what made those relationships so special and transformative. It comes down to the thoughtfulness of their feedback, the honesty with which they shared their experiences, and the time they took to help me. I can’t give something like that to you in one session. It takes time, space for the work to be done, and more space to develop thoughts and questions. Creative Kick in the Booty happens over four sessions, over one month’s time. You get to decide how many months you want to invest in!

Here is what one month looks like:

  • Four 45-minute private Zoom working sessions, one per week. Just you and me.

  • Unlimited email access to me to deal with questions, feedback, and freak-outs between Zoom sessions

  • A goal-setting framework to outline what you want to accomplish, which we’ll break into actionable steps to keep you moving forward each week

And, as a FREE bonus:

  • One 20-minute post-mentorship accountability check-in on Zoom, as encouragement to keep your practice going

How you’ll know this is a fit for you

If this sounds like you, then you may be perfect for Creative Kick in the Booty:

  • You have a specific creative art project in mind but need help with setting and meeting goals

  • You are READY to work hard!

  • You THRIVE on deadlines!

  • You are willing to accept feedback, even if it’s tough to hear sometimes

  • You want to be challenged to make your work better

  • You want a creative cheerleader to support and guide you

  • You appreciate humor (this is a must!)


Lauren Soloy, Artist & Author

“Lori, I can’t thank you enough for being my sounding board on all this stuff! You’re the best!”

Lauren and I worked together to polish up a book dummy (her first!) for submission, as well as edit and refine her art portfolio. I also coached her through email communications with publishers and agents.

She is now the published author and/or illustrator of five children’s picture books. She truly kicked booty… go, Lauren, go!

See her beautiful work at

How much is it going to cost?

It’s so frustrating when prices are hidden. I promised you truth bombs and transparency, so I’m going to deliver on that! Creative Kick in the Booty is monthly investment of $699.

What’s included per month?

  • Four 45-minute private Zoom working sessions, one per week. Just you and me.

  • Unlimited email access to me to deal with questions, feedback, and freak-outs between Zoom sessions

  • A goal-setting framework to outline what you want to accomplish, which we’ll break into actionable steps to keep you moving forward each week

And I definitely won’t leave you hanging at the end of the month. I know that a really big part of your success will be having me as an accountability partner during our time together. But what happens when you’re left on your own and afraid you may lose momentum? Don’t worry… as always, I’ve got you!

You’ll also get a FREE bonus:

  • One 20-minute post-mentorship accountability check-in on Zoom, as encouragement to keep your practice going

Because you and your project are important to me, I make sure not to over-schedule myself. It wouldn’t be fair to you, or to me. That’s why I only take on a very limited number of Creative Kick in the Booty folks on a monthly basis. The max? FOUR. This means I can devote the time and energy needed to take you to the next level.

I also don’t work with everyone. That’s right… I won’t take your money if I don’t think I can help. Some projects may not be the best fit for me, while others will fall smack dab in the middle of my wheelhouse. I screen each applicant with a free exploratory call so that we can make sure we’re aligned before (officially) kicking booty and taking names!

Ready to get started?

About me, your mentor and art bestie

Twenty years into my career as a designer and creative director, a side project reintroduced me to my childhood love of drawing. Soon after, I was making art every waking moment outside my day job. This led to an obsession with making children’s books… and, boom! I was off to chase a rainbow.

My side hustle resulted in two picture book contracts with major publishers. I took a chance, leaving the comfort of the corporate world behind, to follow a more inspired path.

I’m now the author and/or illustrator of nine children's picture books published with major houses. My running-inspired art series, View From My Run, was featured by Runner’s World and has inspired thousands of creatively-curious runners on Instagram.